An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light 电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。
The speed of light is an invariant constant. 光速是一个不变常数。
As he reaches the speed of light the ends of the clock appear frozen in time. 他达到了光速,时钟的两端开始将时间凝固住。
All electromagnetic waves travel with the speed of light, but all have different frequencies. 所有电磁波都以光速传播但频率却各有不同。
For example, Newton's Law of motion is incorrect when object is moving at near speed of light. 例如,当物体在近光速移动时,牛顿的运动定律是不正确的。
The speed of light plays a special role in relativity theory. 光速在相对论中起着特殊的作用。
Relativity is useful in its domain of velocities near the speed of light. 相对论是在其速度接近光速的速度域有用。
The gravitational field is so strong that the escape velocity near it exceeds the speed of light. 重力场是如此的强大以致于靠近它的逃逸速度超过光速。
I thought nothing is faster than speed of light. 我想没有比光速更快的。
It is dangerous using this method to measure the speed of light. 用这种方法去测量光速是危险的。
The speed of light in free space is one of the fundamental constants of nature. 真空中光的速率是自然界的基本常数之一。
The speed of light is an important constant. 光速是一个重要的常数。
A black hole is a massive star, which is collapsing inward at the speed of light. 黑洞是一个巨大的恒星,它以光的速度向内部塌陷。
Imagine a data storage device the size of an atom, working at the speed of light. 想像一下数据存储装置只有原子大小、并以光速工作。
Basically the theory proposed, among other things, that the greatest speed possible is the speed of light; 这一理论从根本上提出了相对于其他物体光速可能是最快的;
They rotate and accelerate electrons in their vicinity to close to the speed of light. 他们会带动其周围的电子旋转并加速到接近光速。
It operates at the speed of light, changes the speed and media of memory. 他们以光的速度运算著,改变著记忆的速度和媒体。
So they ran the test again – and broke the speed of light for a second time. 为了验证实验正确性,他们又一次进行了此项实验,并且第二次打破了光速。
It is in fact the increase in the speed of light that affects this increase in spin. 实际上那是在以光的速度在加速而影响这个自旋。
And not used in micro field of the speed of light. 而不适用于超光速的微观领域。
Its world line is tipped at the angle corresponding to the speed of light. 它的世界线倾斜的角度与光速相对应。
Supermassive black holes spin at speeds approaching the speed of light, new research suggests. 最新研究表明:超大质量黑洞的旋转速度接近光速。
They said they measured a subatomic particle, called a neutrino, traveling faster than the speed of light. 他们称,通过测量发现了一种叫做“微中子”的亚原子粒子,它的运动速度比光速还快。
One twin travels on a spaceship at near the speed of light and the other stays behind on Earth. 一个双旅行的飞船在接近光速的速度和其他地球上留下。
Was that nothing can accelerate to the speed of light. 没有东西能加速到光速。
Hot-wire instrument for measuring electrical quantities The speed of light is the natural link between distance and time measurements. 光速是测量距离和测量时间的天然连接线。
With his manly seed that travels at the speed of light. 用他那以光速行进的雄性的种子。
In a vacuum, gamma rays travel in straight lines with the speed of light. 真空中,γ射线以光速沿直线前进。
The electron is not moving at the speed of light. 电子不是以光速运动的。
These changes propagate through space at the speed of light in form of gravitational waves. 这个改变会以引力波的形式,以光的速度在太空中传播。